The JoyAlchemy Time Machine
For Busy, Self-Employed, and ADHD Parents

A 6 week accelerator to reclaim your time, restore your energy and unlock your most cherished relationships.
Perfect for parents who are overloaded and stressed out trying to balance the responsibilities of home and work, building their own businesses, or living with ADHD.
What if you had a comprehensive system that ran the aspects of your life that overwhelm and drain you and gobble up your time? I call this system a Time Machine. A well oiled engine that keeps things moving smoothly and frees you up to do what you love.
In this first of its kind program you’ll:
Reclaim months of your time and and generate a 566% ROI on your time in the first week
Build incredible lifelong relationships with your kids
Let go of the energy drains and start loving how you spend your time
Slow down, laugh and be more spontaneous
Get the cheat code to building trust and connection by saying NO and setting boundaries
Harness the power of your deep mind to accelerate your path to freedom and joy

Reclaim your time, tap into your Zen and be the kind of parent you always dreamed of in just 6 weeks.
So, you thought the demands of work, home and parenting could be solved with the right time management tools and techniques. Or, that if you could get just a little more time, or learn the right parenting techniques, you could start enjoying parenting the way you thought you would.
By now you’ve already realized that no amount of 'calendar time blocking' or 'pomodoros' will ever move the needle on other people’s expectations, constant interruptions, unexpected changes of plan, and the daily drudgery of tasks no one even seems to notice you are doing.
And all those books on positive parenting, time management and ‘itty bitty habits’ all sounded great when you read them but when you went to apply the strategies, you discovered that they didn’t really fit your situation, or your kids, or your personality.
That’s exactly how I felt.
I would try a new technique and it would work for a while…until the novelty wore off or I forgot to use the tool or my mind rebelled—and I would eventually find myself back where I had started, overwhelmed, overcommitted, stressed out, resentful of my role then snapping at my kids and feeling guilty about it.
To make it even worse, we all had ADHD, so creating the environment me and my kids needed to thrive was exactly the thing my mind was wired NOT to do.
But the biggest reason it didn’t work was because these methods and tactics never addressed the real problem: Why I was spending my time on things that drained me in the first place and why I was experiencing what I was doing as so stressful.
Do any of these sound familiar…
Even when you have the time to slow down, you find it hard to actually stop and connect with your partner or kids.
When you have a chance to do something for yourself, you struggle to remember what you even want.
You secretly fantasize about the days before or after kids…
After trying so many approaches and failing, I figured it had to be me, right? I was just defective and this was how it had to be until the kids were older, or I could get the business to work, or a meteor struck the city…
Until one day the stress and anxiety we adults were so used to, caused my daughter to start having panic attacks at the age of 8.
We knew we had to solve the problem or bust.
That’s when I decided to let go of everything that wasn’t directly contributing to my or my family’s well being. And in that process I developed a system to make those decisions easy and got surprising results right away. With one tool I was able to get hours of my week back almost effortlessly and build a roadmap for getting back hundreds more.
But that roadmap wasn’t enough. Because when I tried to execute it, I uncovered a TON of resistance to actually solving the problem.
I waffled and procrastinated, because of things like
Paying someone to do something I was taught I should do myself, or
Worrying about what other parents would think, or
Asking my partner to take on things I didn’t want to do anymore, or
Asking people, even the ones I was paying, to do a job the way I wanted.
I also realized pretty quickly that even though I now had more time, I didn’t use that time the way I wanted to.
It was hard to just stop and be present with my partner or my kids.
Fortunately, my partner and I had also just discovered powerful but little known tools of the mind, and using these I was able to release the root of that deeper resistance and unlock the full potential of my plan.
After so many false starts, I still wondered if this would end up being yet another temporary fix, but 4 years later I’m still enjoying the massive returns on the investment I made in what feels like a lifetime ago.
I have more free time than almost any parent I know, my affairs are in order, and not only did my family heal and my nervous system settle down, I was finally able to create that coaching business I had always talked about!
In my line of work, parents tell me what’s really going on behind the facade.
What I’ve discovered is that those problems that I used to believe only I had and everyone else had figured out are actually SUPER common. And like me, most parents I talk to struggle to see a way out.
But if I did it, so can they.
And so can you.

What’s inside the JoyAlchemy Time Machine Program
In this program you will learn how to:
Build your own JoyAlchemy Time Machine to reclaim months of your time and get back at least 2 hours/week right away
so you can stop stressing the small stuff and start focusing on the people and things that matter most
Tap into your inner Zen
so you can actually slow down, laugh and be spontaneous
Be fully present and connect
so you can build incredible lifelong relationships with your kids
Master the art of saying no, asking for help and delegating
so you can let go of the energy drains and start loving how you spend your time
Boost your energy, innate joy AND inner peace
so you can show up as the best version of yourself
Uncover the negative beliefs and thought patterns that have been limiting your freedom and potential
so that you can stop recreating those situations that cause you stress
Rewire your unconscious mind
so that the things that used to cause stress or fear no longer phase you
Collaborate with other parents on the same journey as you
and build meaningful relationships with the depth you crave
You will get forever access to the JoyAlchemy System including
Video content to watch at your own pace
value: $800
Designed to guide you through the process and teach you the skills you need to be successful
JoyAlchemy Playbook
value: $50
Through a series of questions and reflection exercises you will reveal the deeper causes and patterns that you need to shift your relationship with time permanently and get clarity about what you are doing and why.
value: $50
These assessments will help you track your progress and get clarity about where you are at with your time, your behaviors and your mindset.
Parent community of practice
value: $50
You will receive an invite to join a facebook community of parents like you who are committed to intentional parenting, being the best versions of themselves and showing up for their kids and each other.
The Time Balance Sheet Automagic Planner
value: $150
Part calculator, part planner–this proprietary tool will reveal what to change, how and in what order with just a few simple inputs.
Templates, scripts and tools
value: $200
As you learn new skills and step in new ways of being and behaving, these scripts, templates and tools will give you structure and support in asking for help, making new agreements and co-creating with your family.
Guided hypnosis and meditations
value: $120
Weaken resistance and amplify your calm with downloadable tracks designed to harness the immense power of your unconscious mind to help you succeed, feel powerful and more relaxed.
Members also get 12 Weeks access:
Weekly group mindset coaching sessions
value: $1800
This is a place to get support with whatever challenges you are facing around mindset and emotion such as resistance, fear, interpersonal challenges and discomfort. It’s also a place to share your wins, tap into the wisdom of the group and contribute to others who could use the support. These weekly sessions will be recorded so that even if you can’t make the call you can still submit your question and get an answer.
2x / month group implementation coaching sessions
value: $900
These calls are designed to help you with tactics and to overcome hurdles in implementing your plan. This is the place to show your job descriptions, vet your potential support solutions, and generally figure stuff out.
Monthly facilitated communication practice groups
value: $450
We all know reading or watching a video isn’t enough to learn how to do something we haven’t done before. Saying no, asking for help, sharing authentically and setting boundaries is not something most of us are taught. This monthly group is a safe place to start practicing these essential conversations that you will need to make systemic change to your time and relationships.
Monthly facilitated connection practice groups
value: $450
You will be learning powerful energetic practices that are likely different from anything you’ve done in the past. This is a place to ‘play’ with energy and experience first hand what it means to be fully present with another person, to see and be seen without expectation or control. The gift of your true presence will be one of the greatest gifts you will ever give your kids.
2 half day group breakthroughs to release and rewire your unconscious blocks
value: $1800
In a matter of hours we transform the behavior of our 1:1 clients by rewiring their minds and changing the beliefs that drive behavior using The Mercury Method. Utilizing an advanced set of techniques rooted in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Gestalt Therapy, Timeline Therapy, and energy work this group version of our signature process rewrites the content of the deep mind to release anxiety, stress, overwhelm, so you can be the best version of yourself and create impact in your life and in your family.
Parent peer mastermind groups (subject to demand)
value: $1000
When the members go all in and commit to each other long term, Masterminds can be deeply powerful and transformative. This is a place to be held to account and get deep support on creating what you came here to do from parents who are also committed to transforming their lives and families. You may even end up as friends for life. We will help you to set up your mastermind and give you a framework to use once inside.
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the program, the strategies, or the support in the first 14 days, we will offer you a full refund, scouts honor! Make your payment today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 14 days to explore the first two weeks of content and experience the vibe and THEN... make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.
Just 10 slots available for this first ever run
We are only taking 10 parents through the first run of this program.
If you would like to be part of this first cohort, join the waitlist and we’ll send you an application when we are ready to launch.
Here’s the truth. You are hard wired not to change.
Your mind is wired to conserve energy and keep you safe. That means resisting change. That’s why signing up for a program like this may bring feelings of uncertainty, and it’s also why other changes you’ve tried to make in the past have failed. We bring a host of tools and systems rooted in psychology and neuroscience to help you succeed but you still have to make the choice. You can keep doing what you’ve been doing and stay where you are, or you can change your life and your child’s life in a single moment.
You have full permission to want more.You can enjoy the life you’ve built AND desire to experience even more. We help you experience ALL this life has to offer.
The holistic approach is the only one that works.Many of our clients have done a ton of personal development and leadership training. Most only focus on one specific area and then you’re left wondering why those results were short term. We approach transformation from the brain to the spiritual, giving you a thorough change that adjusts things on every level.
No, this isn’t all there is.If you’re asking yourself, “is this all there is?!” it means you’re being called to create something else in this lifetime. We help you figure out what that is.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.If you’re asking yourself, “is this all there is?!” it means you’re being called to create something else in this lifetime. We help you figure out what that is.
Vestibulum bibendum nulla orci, sed placerat augue condimentum eget.If you’re asking yourself, “is this all there is?!” it means you’re being called to create something else in this lifetime. We help you figure out what that is.
Vivamus lobortis congue nisi ut sodales. Sed vitae justo varius, ultrices loremIf you’re asking yourself, “is this all there is?!” it means you’re being called to create something else in this lifetime. We help you figure out what that is.
Suspendisse faucibus velit ut magna lobortis, et tempus dui feugiat.If you’re asking yourself, “is this all there is?!” it means you’re being called to create something else in this lifetime. We help you figure out what that is.

Video content to watch at your own pace
The Time Balance Sheet Automagic Planner
JoyAlchemy Playbook
Templates, scripts and tools
Guided hypnosis and meditations
Parent community of practice
Weekly group mindset coaching sessions
2x / month group implementation coaching sessions
Monthly communication practice groups
Monthly connection practice groups
Bonus: 2 half day group Mercury Method breakthroughs
Bonus: Support parent peer mastermind groups (subject to demand)
Value of $7685
First run:
Time is running out
You already know your child will never be this age again and you can’t get this time back. But more importantly, how you show up today will impact your child for years to come. Stop the stress, slow down and fast track resetting your relationship to time.